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Hi Vu A4 PVC Truck Fresnel Lens

£11.95 INC VAT

Product Code: HVA4PVC


A Hi Vu Fresnel lens press-fits inside the truck’s passenger side window and is held firmly in place by its own ‘peel-back’ self-adhesive.

The Fresnel lens provides an extra downwards view for the HGV driver so that at a glance he can see any vulnerable road user that might be hidden in the mirror blind spot, alongside his passenger door.

Unlike a mirror, Hi Vu affords the driver a normal, (through the window) view of what’s close to his cab, not a reversed or inverted mirror image. That means the driver will assimilate any danger much faster and react far more quickly.

Fresnel lenses are now accepted as a very important visual safety aid for HGV drivers and so organisations such as Transport for London and Crossrail insist that trucks are fitted with lenses before being allowed to undertake transportation work on busy urban roads.

HGV Fleet Managers and Health and Safety Officers agree that simply press-fitting a Hi Vu lens makes perfect economical and safety sense.

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